SimpleOne B2B CRM in Dubai—Enterprise CRM system
Advantages of SimpleOne B2B CRM
Industry specifics in B2B
The SimpleOne B2B CRM system is focused on the tasks of large businesses in the B2B segment, where the sales lifecycle and number of persons is very different from B2C
Out-of-the-box solution
Get a ready-made system with everything you need to work and customize it to your needs with LCND tools
In-house development
SimpleOne is an in-house development of ITGLOBAL.COM, so it provides uninterrupted technical support and regular updates
Even more opportunities
- The SimpleOne CRM system allows you to customize processes with LCNC tools and gives you the ability to create your own solutions without development skills
- Integration with any system that supports import to Excel, JSON or provides access to its API
- Your employees can quickly get started with the CRM system with a clear interface, open documentation and training courses

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SimpleOne B2B CRM.
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Marketing and sales working together
Sales Department
- The sales team has access to marketing tools and detailed data about each individual customer in every possible deal
- Each employee has a role in certain stages of the deal, making sales clear and automated
Marketing Department
- Marketing department gets real information about customers' pains and needs, which increases the effectiveness of marketing activities
- Deal conversion increases with easy-to-use competitive strategy tools and comprehensive sales analytics
SimpleOne CRM B2B capabilities
Lead generation
- Contact Management
- Customer search and segmentation
Lead qualification
- Data Analysis
- Marketing Automation
- MQL and SQL qualifications
- Unified knowledge base with customer pains and needs
- Task Management
- Contract management
Working with large enterprise customers
With SimpleOne B2B CRM you will be able to organize sales and work with enterprise customers, even if there are many parties involved.

Our customers
SimpleOne B2B CRM.
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