Hyperconverged vStack platform in Dubai - a single enterprise-level solution for virtualisation management
Access from any device without configuration
Deployment in 10 minutes
SLA 99,9%
15 years of expertise in the market
The key idea behind vStack is to create a fully managed Enterprise-level virtual data centre based on standard server hardware
This is a more affordable but no less productive alternative to converged solutions. Combining networking, storage and compute in a single platform offers a number of advantages when building an IT infrastructure.
IT infrastructure
For business
- Optimisation of equipment costs
- Reduction of IT staffing costs
- No dependence on hardware vendor
- Choice of subscription or permanent licence
For IT
- Simpler IT infrastructure
- Fast scaling and recovery
- High cluster performance
- Significantly lower consumption of data centre resources
For the industry
- A visionary solution for the industry
- Installations around the world
Usage scenarios
Backup site
Software development and testing environment
Low-cost reserve resources for operations
Building a public cloud
Creating an enterprise cloud

Who the vStack platform is for
– Service providers
– E-commerc
– SaaS vendors
– Development companies
– Educational institutions
– Fintech, banks
– Industrial companies
– GameDev
– Streaming services
– Retail

Our customers
Hyperconverged vStack platform.
Learn more about the solution
What is hyperconvergence
A hyperconverged infrastructure is a software-defined IT infrastructure that integrates:
Role SDC (Software Defined Computing)
Software-defined computing resources
SDN (Software Defined Networking)
Software-defined network
Role SDS (Software Defined Storage)
Software-defined storage system (SDS)

In contrast, a hyperconverged approach to creating an IT infrastructure can significantly simplify it by consolidating all major roles into a single cluster, and reduce the cost of equipment, support and data centre resources. for equipment, support and data centre resources

The classic IT infrastructure is called converged infrastructure. It involves a large number of devices with dedicated roles such as data storage, computing, networking, etc. Supporting a converged IT infrastructure requires a staff of skilled professionals, significant data centre resources and equipment costs
All vStack-based IT infrastructure modules and components are configured and administered in a single control panelㅤ

Our customers