

PostgreSQL is a database management system distributed for free as an open-source product. Unlike other free databases, PostgreSQL is an object-relational database. The software runs on Linux/Unix and Windows platforms.


PostgreSQL has a number of features that set it apart from other software:

  • It is focused on the Enterprise level, not SMB. It works with complex queries, which affects the speed of data processing.
  • It separates client requests and servers, which increases the security of the organization’s information systems and allows you to create a distributed DBMS.
  • It works not only with arrays of information, but also with user objects.
  • Supports all possible data types: numeric, text, binary, enumerable, etc. Administrators can create their own data types.
  • Supports multiversion, i.e. modification of the database by several users at the same time.
  • The product works with geographical objects. Users can store geospatial data for location services or for specialized information systems.
  • Support for storing external and internal network addresses, physical hardware addresses (MAC addresses).
  • Information is recorded in the DBMS with a slight advance, which makes PostgreSQL fault-tolerant compared to other products.
  • Data integrity verification mechanisms are integrated.
  • Easy administration and configuration for users.

The open source code allows you to change the DBMS to suit your tasks. Several commercial products based on Postgre have been created: Postgres Studio, Postgres Pro, Fujitsu Enterprise Postgres.

Where it is used

PostgreSQL is popular in many areas. It is ideal for the financial field. This is due to the support of multiple data types, as well as the ability to perform data analytics.

In industry, it is used to accelerate business processes, optimize production chains, reduce operational risks, etc.

In the scientific field, it allows users to create huge amounts of data without compromising performance. The use of analytical tools and the features of the query language makes the DBMS work effectively.

To work with geographic data, CEML offers the Postgre GIS component. It contains many options for working with the geometric data type and the location of the end device.

Creating and maintaining a website using PostgreSQL improves the quality of query processing and makes the solution fault-tolerant.

PostgreSQL is an enterprise—level software product. The DBMS is free and provides the administrator with various tools for modification to meet their requirements. Integrated protection mechanisms make the DBMS reliable and fault-tolerant.

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