It’s the time for Private Cloud and Managed Services. Trends 2021
It’s the time for Private Cloud and Managed Services. Trends 2021

Denodo company published its annual study on cloud usage. Analyzed data state that both businesses and nonprofit entities accelerate their adoption of cloud services, as the latter provide flexibility, reduction of expenses, shorter time-to-market for products and services and easier data management.

The study notes that companies use clouds in a variety of scenarios, but the most popular ones are: solving analytical tasks, expansion of infrastructural opportunities, as well as AI and machine learning tasks.

Alina Parkhomenko, ITGLOBAL.COM Head of Services Development, commented on the study. She considers cloud markets of the majority of our partnering countries very mature.

“Customers learned to trust the clouds. Cloud providers, in turn, have segmented; those who survived and retained their sovereignty – have comprehended their strong areas and vectors of development. Clients tend to use hybrid and multi-cloud schemes, contracting various cloud providers to fulfill various tasks and projects, utilizing the strongest sides of providers. Private installations are becoming more and more popular, but not because public clouds are anyhow vulnerable: trust into clouds had grown, and more large and serious tasks are moved into private – as these tasks require more than public clouds can offer. The growth of trust in the very large holdings, where their information security departments did not previously allow moving their calculations to a cloud, only proves the tendency of private clouds’ growing share”, concluded Alina Parkhomenko.

Ms. Parkhomenko also noted that applications rule the world for quite a while already. “People don’t want to visit sites; everybody is used to opening an application on a smartphone, regardless of a task. In some European countries this tendency is even more notable than in the rest of the world. Thus the lion share of customers today is developers of all kinds of applications. The majority of them dream of ending a war with administrators and receiving additional services. This is why a “stripped” IaaS becomes less demanded; everything is turning into services nowadays. VM, OS and database management , DevOps as a service, K8S as a service – this is where the future is. To obtain everything as a service and to focus on your own business tasks: almost all enquiries are like this today. Yet the market of “everything as a service” is feeble as of now: everybody is trying to find their very own niche, to reach the proper synergy between a service provider and a client – to establish a mutually profitable cooperation at the end. In two to three years we are expecting to witness such a synergy and maturity of services like”.

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